AOD 2/27/17
When I read this piece on the truth the thing I immediately thought of was how increasingly hard it is to know the truth today. So many things are constantly being thrown at us, it is hard to decipher what is true and what is false. This is especially the case in the current media. Often, I feel that with different media sources they do not tell the truth, they simply spread lies or tell the reader what they want to hear. I believe they are more concerned about selling their magazines, articles and other forms of writing to catch the public's eye. One specific line I like in this piece is the line that reads: "the truth is worth defending". I specifically like this line because I believe it tells that the truth is something that no matter how hard it is to hear, deserved to be heard. It deserves to have a place in our society today. One part of this poem also states "the truth is not red or blue". This phrase is very important to note in our current political climate. Everyone has their own beliefs and is entitled to them, both sides have truth. Yes, we all support one side or the other but we should not let our political views take over who we are or blind us from other truths in the world.