Why Language Matters
I thought that this video was very interesting. One part of this video that I found to be very interesting was the comment she made that "The way we use words changes the way we frame things in our mind." This is something I found interesting because she told of how subconsciously our minds think of girl and women differently. The term girl she states implies, "there are inferior to men". I do think in a way this is a stretch and a feminism approach to this language problem. Yet I do agree that women and men should both be called appropriately. I like how she does recognize that often times it is not used in a bad way on purpose. I do think that it is a good idea to use language that elevates each other and builds others up. I think that often this is a huge factor in society today. We often demean others because it is so called "funny" or "kidding" terms, when in fact all this does is show us how wrong we are about these people. Overall, I did like her message on how we should consciously try to help and change others language to elevate others.